Systems & pieces, concept to install, Corrotec does it all.
Corrotec is a complete systems integrator, designing, fabricating, installing, and servicing equipment built with simple to operate, flexible control software, data recording, IIOT integration, and outputs to tie into plant information systems.
RFID and other data-logging options documenting process parameters, from load to unload, to make your ISO 13485 compliance simpler.
Remote Chemical Dosing systems to sample and add chemistry without touching chemistry and keeping personnel off the line.
IIOT (Industrial Internet of Things) and Reporting using connected sensors and components enables preventative and predictive maintenance, detailed historical data, and remote status monitoring.
Safety guarding, area sensors, light curtains, rollaway load/unload doors, and enclosure options to help keep people, chemicals, contaminants, and airflow safely where each of them belong.
Common Medical applications include:
•Titanium Anodizing